Pain and discomfort are simply signs of cellular imbalance and disease. Tesla was the first to demonstrate the healing principles of electromagnetic fields; his research evolved over time into what we now know today as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). Used worldwide, and as a standard therapy in Europe for decades, PEMF is one of the best ways to non-invasively optimize your wellness.
By positively charging your pathology, you are able to:
- Alleviate pain and reduce inflammation
- Stimulate tissue healing & strengthen bones
- Relieve injury and fatigue
- Reduce stress & increase relaxation
- Achieve a deeper, more restorative state of rest
- Strengthen immunity & build disease resistance
- Address chronic pain
- Aid in processing both physical and psychological trauma
- Help with the management of depression & anxiety
- Improve neurological health (migraines) & much, much more!
A Fruitful Analogy of Cellular Vitality
Imagine a cell in your body as a fresh grape: healthy, vibrant, and alive. Now, imagine that same cell as a raisin, once a vibrant grape, drained and dry of all its vitality. This illustration of cellular decay depicts what happens as our cells can no longer receive vital minerals, water, and other nutrients. Disease manifests when impaired nutrient flow and waste accumulation inhibit the cells natural repair cycle. Restoring these elements, is without a doubt, key to the overall health of your body.
Call or email us today to schedule a session and ask us about our package pricing!
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